Management Team


The principals together form the management team. The management team serves as an important advisory body for the Executive Board. The tasks and authorities delegated by the Board to the principals are outlined in the management statute.

The management team consists of:

  • Ariëlle de Ruijter (Executive Board)
  • Percy Henry (Executive Board)
  • Rynette de Villiers (AICS)
  • Vincent Steensma (Mundus College)
  • Jeroen Bergamin (Het 4e Gymnasium)
  • Jenno van der Wal (DENISE)
  • Mireille van Heerden (ALASCA)
  • Rosanne Bekker (Berlage Lyceum)
  • Wim van Boxtel (Cartesius Lyceum)
  • Erwin Heldoorn (Marcanti College)
  • Ruud Sliphorst (Montessorischool Landsmeer)
  • Brigitta Hendriks (Montessorischool De Eilanden)
  • Ingrid Roelofs (Europaschool)
  • Myra Sarfaty-Zwaaneveldt (Watergraafsmeerse Schoolvereniging)
  • Jutka Colson (De Verwondering)
  • Olga Onrust (Spring High)
  • Odilon Romero (TASC)

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