Central Staff Office


The Central Staff Office provides support services for the primary process and consists of the following departments:

The Central Staff Office develops and coordinates the policy of these focus areas. The schools themselves have decentralized advisors and employees to work in these focus areas.

Facilities and Sustainability

The department Facilities and Sustainability supports and advises schools in the areas of procurement, building management, major maintenance, and sustainability. Additionally, the department oversees new construction projects and renovations. The department also monitors compliance with legal obligations that schools must adhere to, keeping an eye on relevant developments. Part of the Facilities and Sustainability team is Esprit's sustainability coordinator, who supports and advises on all matters related to sustainability.

The Facilities and Sustainability department can be reached via by facilitair@cb.espritscholen.nl.

Finance and Payroll

The financial office of Esprit Schools ensures that all financial changes are processed promptly, correctly and completely. They are also responsible for coordinating payroll, with the emphasis on checking all processed changes and ensuring prompt payment. The financial office facilitates the schools in the accounting process for grants and subsidies and coordinates the entire process.

Invoices can be sent to facturen@cb.espritscholen.nl and the payroll department can be reached at sa@cb.espritscholen.nl.

Human Resources

The HR department develops and implements policy in the field of staff and organization. HR also provides advice, guidance and information on all matters surrounding the inflow (recruitment and selection), throughflow (performance, development, remuneration and assessment) and outflow of employees. The HR office is available for all questions of an administrative nature regarding vacancies, personnel changes, employment contracts, and more. For questions regarding illness and recovery and contact with the occupational health and safety service, please reach out to the absence office.

You can reach the HR office at hradministratie@cb.espritscholen.nl and the absence office at verzuimadmi@cb.espritscholen.nl.

Information management and quality assurance

Information and information facilities are becoming increasingly important. With the far-reaching digitization of activities and the rise of information-driven working, IT plays a bigger role than ever in the strategy and work processes. As a result, the information and the functional design sides of IT, including information management, have also become more important. The information management department (IM) is responsible for translating the information needs arising from the various educational and business processes into the information facilities that support these processes. The information facilities consist of people and resources, such as the information itself, the applications and the IT infrastructure. IM arose from the need to get a better grip on a rapidly changing information landscape and the associated rapidly changing IT environment and IT capabilities. New laws and regulations, such as the GDPR, have also become an increasingly important factor.

Quality assurance is an important topic. The team advises the Executive Board and the schools, both solicited and unsolicited, on educational issues and contributes to the (further) development of quality assurance at board and school level. The activities consist of making and monitoring policy, performing data analyses and reporting and advising on the quality of education.

The application management team falls under Information Management and is responsible for the overall application management of the central (administrative) applications. These include: Magister, ParnasSys, Afas, Facet, DUO, Vensters, etc. They are responsible for the central design, user management and security of the applications in question.

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