

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board oversees from a distance. The Board supervises the realization of the goals, policy and general course of affairs of Esprit Schools.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is the authority of Esprit Schools and holds ultimate responsibility. The Supervisory Board provides remote oversight.

Management Team

The school directors together form the management team. The management team is an important consultative and advisory body for the Executive Board.

Board Secretariat

The Executive Board is supported by the Executive Secretariat.

Legal affairs

The in-house lawyer advises the Executive Board, the directors of the various Esprit schools and departments at the Central Office.

Participation Council

Every Esprit school has a Participation Council. In addition, Esprit Schools has two joint Participation Councils. One for primary and one for secondary.


The Control department is involved in, among other things, advising the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board and the school directors, drawing up and monitoring financial policy, strategic and tactical advice and policy development in the field of Control and Management Information.

Central staff office

The Central staff office provides support services for the primary process and consists of the following departments:

  • Facilities and Sustainability
  • Finance and payroll
  • Human resources
  • Information management and quality assurance


Click below for an overview of all schools of Esprit Schools.

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